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The Hidden Danger Underfoot: Protecting Your Dog from Hot Pavement

As the summer sun shines down, it’s not just the air that heats up. Pavements, sidewalks, and roads can reach scorching temperatures, posing a significant risk to our four-legged friends. In this blog post, we’ll explore the dangers of hot pavement for dogs and provide tips on how to keep your pet safe.

The Heat is On: Understanding the Risk of Hot Pavement

Pavements absorb heat from the sun and can become much hotter than the surrounding air. According to an article on The Spruce Pets, pavement temperatures can be 40 to 60 degrees warmer than air temperatures. This means that even on a seemingly comfortable 80-degree day, the pavement could potentially be hot enough to burn a dog’s paws.

Paw Protection: How to Keep Your Dog Safe

Here are some practical tips to protect your dog’s paws from the heat:

  1. Walk on Grass or Soil: These surfaces do not heat up as much as pavement and are typically safer for your dog to walk on.
  2. Use Dog Shoes or Booties: These can protect your dog’s paws from hot pavement. Just make sure to give your dog time to adjust to them before going on a walk.
  3. Apply Paw Wax: This special wax can be applied to your dog’s paw pads before walking and provides a protective barrier.
  4. Change Your Walk Schedule: Try walking your dog earlier in the day before the pavement heats up or later in the day after it cools down.

Remember, if it’s too hot for you to keep your hand on the pavement for 10 seconds, then it’s too hot for your dog to walk on.


As dog owners, it’s our responsibility to keep our pets safe. By being aware of the dangers of hot pavement and taking steps to protect our dogs’ paws, we can ensure that they stay healthy and happy throughout the summer months.

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